Let's Have More Difficult Discussions
Study abroad, international education, and intercultural education are experiential learning avenues offered to students as a rich opportunity to fulfill this requirement while having a life-changing experience-even an experience that will allow them to help change the world, or at least prepare them for such work. Among these high-impact practices is" Diversity/Global Learning" and the exploration of" difficult differences," including" socio-economic, racial, ethnic, and gender inequality, or continuing struggles around the globe for human rights, freedom, and power" The efficacy of having these difficult discussions has been known for years, and yet, even within the semiprotected sphere of higher education, they are very seldom heard. Facilitate difficult discussions on these issues by allowing dedicated time for them, building a sense of trust, moderating dialogue, fostering listening and empathy, including local voices …
- Artículos Científicos [199]