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dc.contributor.authorMiranda-Nieto, Alejandro
dc.contributor.authorSchreiber, Franziska
dc.contributor.authorMcAlpine, Lynn
dc.identifier.citationMiranda-Nieto, A., Schreiber, F. F. N., McAlpine, L., 2022. The Global State of Young Scientists in Latin America and the Caribbean: An Exploration of Constraints and Strategies. Halle (Saale): Global Young Academy/German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.en_US
dc.descriptionThis report provides an overview of the first phase of The Global State of Young Scientists in Latin America and the Caribbean (GloSYS LAC), a research project developed by the Global Young Academy (GYA). Its aim is to contribute to current debates on social dimensions of scientific activities and the impact that they have on the trajectories of young scientists. This research was performed using qualitative interviews with thirty-one early-career researchers from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Guatemala and Panama. As a result of the analysis of these interviews, this report highlights the interplay between the constraints that young researchers currently face and the strategies they use to confront them.en
dc.description.abstractThis report provides an overview of the first phase of The Global State of Young Scientists in Latin America and the Caribbean (GloSYS LAC), a research project developed by the Global Young Academy (GYA). Its aim is to contribute to current debates on social dimensions of scientific activities and the impact that they have on the trajectories of young scientists. This research was performed using qualitative interviews with thirty-one early-career researchers from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Guatemala and Panama. As a result of the analysis of these interviews, this report highlights the interplay between the constraints that young researchers currently face and the strategies they use to confront them.en
dc.description.sponsorshipGlobal Young Academy at the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. The wide array of GYA activities are supported by a range of international public and private funders.en_US
dc.publisherGlobal Young Academy at the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldinaen_US
dc.subjectGlobal Young Academy, young scientists, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Guatemala, Panamaen_US
dc.titleThe Global State Of Young Scientists In Latin America And The Caribbean: An Exploration Of Constraints And Strategiesen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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